Saturday, November 28, 2009


for the best babysitter in all the land!
for the best cousins ever...
and dinosaurs too.
for family dinners and hangin out with emmi and super g-ma
and BFF Anthony who just celebrated his third birthday.
more family dinners..please note the orange pop...mmmmm
that Uncle Brian could come to town this turkey day.
for cookies people manage to sneak to him...(Mia and Jonah enjoyed the most delicious almond cookies at Chin's a couple weeks ago. Jonah also adores cookies from the Jewels, Central Continental Bakery and homemade too!)
and for field trips with mom and dad. here's the children's reading area at Owl Lumber Yard.

one more thing...we're very thankful Jonah's girlfriend Lila and his Uncle Erich and Auntie Jess are coming to Chicago for the holidays!

1 comment:

Auntie Nat said...

I love the 'reading section.' Awesome! I especially like the book about table saws..