Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jonah's trip to Tarry Town

Jonah ran around the cemetery with his daddy while Mommy enjoyed her coffee.
Jonah and Sienna Lou exploring.
Here's a replica of the actual Headless Horseman bridge. They had to move it back in the day to make room for a road. (lame). Jonah and his daddy and his cousins crossed the bridge. I was a little freaked about Jonah crossing a bridge for the first time so sorry folks, no quality pix of Jonahbear on the bridge. It keeps it a little mysterious.
Here's a rock Uncle Adam named the pumpkin rock.

Jonah's cousin D came up with the idea to go to Tarry town while we were in NY and NJ for Cousin Eric's weddin'. It was on my list of cool places I've always wanted to go. Jonah sneaked past the gate around Washington Irving's grave...what a rebel. He ran all over the place. I couldn't keep up.
D gave me some special Tarry town acorns so we could plant a Tarry town tree. Not sure where we're gonna plant them yet. No Headless Horseman spotting. We'll have to go back.

1 comment:

Auntie Nat said...

Awesome picture of the bridge! I wanna go there so bad! Got any extra acorns? I'm hoping the Headless Horseman stops by my house...