Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jonah's bedroom

onah's bedroom is the ever popular fishy theme. Kev and I couldn't decide on a color --we realize it's a little bright but it's one of my favorite colors! The green trim was meant to be---leftover mixed paint from Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Grandma Pamela has been going to town painting fishies on the wall. She also bought us about fifty bottles of paint--all guests are welcome to paint a fish...Don't worry, we have stencils. Also, Papa gave Kev one of those cool, old school Golden Nature Guide fish books (they also have birdy and mammel ones, you know what i'm talking about) that you can look through for inspiration. Kev is planning on painting a Jawsesque shark and Uncle Brian is planning out his Darwin Fish. I painted a pink fishy. Other contributors include Auntie Brandi and Cousin Emmi.

Jonah's fave is Ozzie* the Octopus. This is one of his best friends...I got the whole naming the animals with the same letter to teach Jonah about alliteration (actually Amy Polenzani does this and I totally copied her.)

*Ozzie is named after Ozzie Osbourne not Ozzie Guillen.

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